Make: Llama Model: Martial Serial Number: S806430 Year of Manufacture: 1969-1976 Caliber:.38 Special Action Type: Single and Double Action Revolver with Swing-Out Cylinder Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked “Gabilondo y CIA. Vitoria (Espana)” and with a flaming bomb proof. The left side of the frame in front of the cylinder is. 5 digit serial number that starts with 'A' Safety plunger should be replaced with metal version and no issues there. Last edited by DJFireUSA; at 06:12 AM. Find Serial Number Enter the serial number, without spaces or dashes, to search the database. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. LLama Serial Number Database - Please Add Yours! Not much is known about the Llama serial number sequencing, so we are attempting to do a database spreadsheet. For all practical purposes, we are looking at the handguns produced under the 'Llama' name, and not the earlier Gabilondo y Cia products.
- Llama 380 Serial Number History
- Llama Serial Number Lookup
- Llama Serial Number 146600
- Llama Serial Number
- Serial Number Idm Gratis
- Llama Serial Number Database
- Llama Serial Number Lookup
Ask it to dinner and a movie? Seriously, you need the serialnumber in order to tell the age of a firearm.560996
On the LEFT side of LLAMA firearms, right above the tirgger, isan Alpha-Numeric Code. For instance, my Llama has 'D*2' on it. Thiscorresponds to the year 1984.
E*2 would be 1985, F*2 would be 1986, etc.... The date codesstart with a single letter, like 'A', from the 1930s. After goingthrough the alphabet once, they started with 'A*1,' then 'B*1'until they exhausted the alphabet, then they started with 'A*2' andso on.
You can search 'Llama Date Codes' which may show as Star Datecodes--they are the same. It will cross reference the date codewith the year.
How old is your llama 380 with S1 stamp?
The S1 date code indicated it was made in 1974. Read More
What does a Stoeger Arms Llama 380 gun cost new?
I may have misunderstood your question- Stoeger and Llama were two different companies. Llama entered bankruptcy, and as of 2000, is no more. A typical Llama .380 auto has a NIB price of about $300 in the current Gun Trader's Guide. Read More
What is the age and value of a stoeger arms 380 llama bearing r1 year stamp pearl handles and detailed engraving?
How much is a used llama 380 automatic pistol worth?
Depends on the condition of the pistol and when it was made. Those Llama .380 pistols made before 1975 or so use a locked breech. Those made afterwards use a simple blowback system. A locked breech may bring in more money. Such a pistol, in good condition can run $250--$450. Read More
Llama 380 Serial Number History
What year is your llama 380?
This is a place to ask about COLT firearms. Read More

What is the value of llama 380?
Llama Serial Number Lookup
What does a llama cal 380 gun cost?
What is the value of a 1971 llama 380 especial?
What year was the llama 380 IIIA serial number B24938?
Serial number is not going to help, you need to look on the OTHER side of the weapon, just above the trigger will be a Date Code (Letter and Number). Look up Llama Date Codes and find the year. Mine is a 'D*2' which is 1984 Read More
What year is your llama 380 SPECIAL serial 322178?
Unfortunately, Llama is out of business, and records have always be spotty for that maker. No public data available. Read More
What year is your llama 380 serial 649589?
What is a lorcin 380?
Semi-automatic Saturday Nite Special (Cheap Handgun) An inexpensive .380 caliber automatic pistol. boat anchor Read More
Info on 380 llama especial serial number 20890?
What is the value of your llama mod 380 lll-A worth?
Llama Serial Number 146600
What is estimated value of 2003 llama micromax 380 pistol?
What is the value of a Llama Especial 9mm or .380 pistol?
What model is my Llama 380 with serial 847972?
Impossible to say. Company closed, no records. Sorry Read More
What is the value of a Browning 380 caliber automatic pistol? will help you date it. You need to check the auction sites to see what they are bringing. Read More
Price of 380 simi-automatic pistol?
Semi-automatic pistols can vary from 100-1000. Read More
Where can you buy a Llama 380?
I have one in the box $400.00 Im in NC near Raleigh 919-732-2235 Read More
When was a 380 colt hamerless automatic sn 86076?
How do you clean a 380 automatic?
Get an owner's manual or take it to a gunsmith. Read More
When was browning 380 cal automatic no 72n20604 made?
Can 38 spl ammo be fired in a 380 automatic?
When was colt 380 hammerless automatic sn 21385 made?
A Colt 380 hammerless with that serial number was made in 1915. Read More
When was Colt 380 hammerless automatic SN 127384 made?
The Colt 1908 hammerless .380 with that serial number was made in 1937. Read More
When was colt 380 hammerless automatic sn 60093 made?
the model 1908 hammerless 380 with serial # 60093 was made about 1923 Read More
What is the approximate value of a 380 Beretta automatic 1935?
How do you disassemble s Pony 380 automatic?
When was Colt 380 hammerless automatic SN 60424 made?
How do you aim a Browning 380 automatic pistol?
Value of 380 Browning semi automatic?
How far of a distance can a 380 hand gun fire with a 9 millimeter bullets?
The .380 automatic cannot shoot 9mm Parabellum ammo. Read More
MK IV 380?
The Mk IV 380 is a Colt Government Model .380 caliber compact semi-automatic pistol with many of the features of the time tested Government Model .45. Read More
When was Colt 380 hammerless automatic SN 85522 made?
What is the value of a 380 Browining automatic serial 72n15721?
How much is a llama 380 worth?
As with anything, the value depends on: 1- Condition 2- Rarity 3- Market Read More
What is the value of a browning semi automatic 380 caliber stainless steel model number bda-380 425 pistol?
What is the age of a 380 caliber Browning semi automatic serial 72N15718?
What is the value of a targa .380 caliber automatic pistol?
Where can you find 380 Win Special Ammo?
I am not aware of any cartridge called a 380 Winchester Special. .32 Winchester Special is a rifle cartridge, .380 ACP (.380 auto) is an automatic pistol cartridge. Either should be available from a full service gun shop. Read More
What is a llama 380 micro max worth?
75-225 USD In 2010 the MicroMax 380 'excellent' used is bringing $300+. The old mini 380 is only a few bucks behind. Practical differences are moot. If a 'rough one' shoots well it will still bring $200 min. Read More
Is 380 ammo the same as 380 ACP?
Yes. .380 ACP is ONE of the full names for the cartridge- stands for Automatic Colt Pistol. You may also see it as 9mm Kurz, or 9mm Corto (means 9mm Short), Read More
Is there a big recoil difference in a 38 and 380 pistol?
There'll be a notable difference... part of the difference with a .380 vs. a .38 Special is that the .38 Special will be a revolver, whereas the .380 is much more likely to be an automatic, so part of the recoil felt with the .380 will be the movement and weight of the slide. Read More
What is the value of a 380 browning automatic pistol serial number 598445?
How do you take apart a 380 automatic?
If you don't have an owner's manual, take it to a gunmsith and ask for help Read More
What is the value of a beretta model 70 380 automatic pistol?
What is the value of a colt automatic hammerless 380 serial number 77266?
What is a 380 colt semi automatic handgun worth?
What kind of ammo does a acp 380 take?
If it's marked 38 ACP it takes an old cartridge that is generally no longer available. If it's marked 380 ACP the cartridge is available at any gunshop as the 380 Auto. The ACP stands for Automatic Colt Pistol. The 380 cartridge is a 9MM short. Read More
I have one with a serial number 321864. They were firstmanufactured in the 1930s to around the mid 1950's for this model.Company is out of business now and parts are hard to find. J
Info on 380 llama especial serial number 20890?
What year is your llama 380 serial 649589?
What year is your llama 380 SPECIAL serial 322178?
Unfortunately, Llama is out of business, and records have always be spotty for that maker. No public data available. Read More
What year was the llama 380 IIIA serial number B24938?
Serial number is not going to help, you need to look on the OTHER side of the weapon, just above the trigger will be a Date Code (Letter and Number). Look up Llama Date Codes and find the year. Mine is a 'D*2' which is 1984 Read More
What model is my Llama 380 with serial 847972?
Impossible to say. Company closed, no records. Sorry Read More
Is this serial Number AP076688 for a gun p-380?
No way to tell. Sorry, but a serial number alone usually does not tell us much. Read More
Date built 380 hammer less auto 380 serial number 137700?
Around December,1944 for # the year 1945 started with serial number 137800. Read More
What does a Stoeger Arms Llama 380 gun cost new?
I may have misunderstood your question- Stoeger and Llama were two different companies. Llama entered bankruptcy, and as of 2000, is no more. A typical Llama .380 auto has a NIB price of about $300 in the current Gun Trader's Guide. Read More
When was colt 380 hammerless sn 39901 made?
The Colt 1908 hammerless 380 with serial number 39901 was made near the end of year 1920 as the year 1921 started with serial number 40000. Read More
Llama Serial Number
What is the age of a Browning BDA 380 with serial number 425MY00174?
With the two letters MY in the middle of your serial number,it was made in the year 2002. Read More
When was the Colt Hammerless 1903 380 with serial number 124089?
What is the age and value of a stoeger arms 380 llama bearing r1 year stamp pearl handles and detailed engraving?
Serial Number Idm Gratis
When was colt 380 hammerless automatic sn 21385 made?
A Colt 380 hammerless with that serial number was made in 1915. Read More
What is date of manufacture for colt 1903 380 with serial number 37445?
Found a Colt 1903 hammerless with that serial number made in 1917. Read More
When was Colt 380 hammerless automatic SN 127384 made?
The Colt 1908 hammerless .380 with that serial number was made in 1937. Read More
What is the age of browning bda 380 auto serial number 425pp04282?
What year is your llama 380?
This is a place to ask about COLT firearms. Read More
What is age of Colt 1908 380 serial?
Without the serial number the quesiton can't be answered. Call Colt and they will tell you. Read More
How old is a Remington UMC 380 pistol serial number PA17480?
What is the date of mfg of colt 1903 380 hammerless serial number 44075?
What is mfg date of a colt 380 pistol serial number rc57495?
What is the value of a Browning 380 pistol serial number 72n21607?
What is the value of browning 380 pistol serial number 594853?
What is the value of a colt 380 hammerless serial number 87805?
What year is a browning bda-380 425?
Impossible to answer without a serial number. Read More
What is the manufacturing year for a 1903 Colt Hammerless 380 with serial number 124089?
What is the maufacture year for Colt 380 cal automatic pistol serial?
Impossible to answer without the serial number. You can also contact Colt Read More
What is the value of llama 380?
What does a llama cal 380 gun cost?
Llama Serial Number Database
What is the value of a 1971 llama 380 especial?
What is the age of a Colt Automatic Pistol Model 1908 in 380 cal Serial Number 38948?
By my records, the Colt 1908 hammerless .380 with serial # 38948 was produced in the year 1920. (34000-39999) about 1920 about 1920 Read More
What is the value of a 380 browning automatic pistol serial number 598445?
Browning 380 pistol serial number 598586 made in belguim?
It should be marked as to where it was made. Read More
What do i have in pistol Use serial number 1053?
When was your Browning 380 hand gun made?
Please provide a serial number and ask again Read More
What is the value of a colt automatic hammerless 380 serial number 77266?
What is age of a 380 Belgian Browning Pistol Serial 535121?
Llama Serial Number Lookup
See the Browning website- customer service. Date of production by serial number listing. Read More
Maybe you could help me i have a browning 380 blue finish serial number is pz21976 is this gun rare?
How can you find correct manufacturing date of a fi 380 pistol?
No serial number data published that I know of Read More
What is the value of your llama mod 380 lll-A worth?
Where can I find information about my Colt 380 pearl handle automatic?
for information furnish serial number to: Read More
Where and when was an interarms ppk 380 walther made with serial number A000842?
Need a detailed description of ALL markings. Read More
A savage 380 serial number 44588 what model is this?
If this is a Savage automatic pistol, then the serial number is actually 4458B. Savage made three production automatic pistols, the model 1907, the model 1915, and the model 1917. The serial numbers run from 1 to about 245000 for the .32 pistols, and from B2000 to about 29972B for the .380 pistols. All three pistol models used the same serial number ranges for the two calibers. Only the first few hundred .380 pistols (all… Read More
Colt 1908 380 acp date of mfg by serial number 47174?
Colt 1908 380 acp serial number 47174. What is its date of mfg? In: [Edit categories] Read More
What is estimated value of 2003 llama micromax 380 pistol?
What is the value of a Llama Especial 9mm or .380 pistol?
How old is your llama 380 with S1 stamp?
The S1 date code indicated it was made in 1974. Read More
What is the model number of a Browning .380 ACP pistol with a serial number of 529187?
No way to tell without a detailed description of all markings. Read More
What year was the beretta 380 bb model made?
Impossible to answer without a DETAILED descripiton of ALL markings and a serial number. Read More