Mar 1, 2019 - Download Aero Glass for Windows 8. Experience native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8 and 10. Zip Download| Torrent Download| Direct Download Description. Do you miss Windows Aero from Windows 7? Do you like the new features of Windows 10 but want to keep Aero Glass? Well now you can. One of the most requested features for Windows 10 was Aero Glass effects, which was previously available in Windows 7 but removed in Windows 8 when Microsoft went all-in on the flat UI instead of. 'Aero Glass 10' Multicolor themes for Windows 10. 'Aero Glass 10' & 'Aero Glass 10 Alt.' Multicolor themes for Windows 10 RTM Build 10240, Build 10586 & Windows 10 Anniversary Update Build 14393 (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit Systems.
Windows Vista introduced the Desktop Window Manager and the Aero theme for window borders, title bars and the Start menu. This theme is very beautiful. Windows 7 and Windows Vista came with a blur effect for the transparency used in the Aero theme. This glass effect got removed in Windows 8. Due to user feedback, it was restored in Windows 10 but title bars and window borders continue to use only flat colors. Thankfully, there is a solution for Windows 10 version 1709 'Creators Update'.
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There is good news for all transparency fans - BigMuscle, the person who had revived the Aero Glass effect for Windows 8 and Windows 10 using DirectX, has updated his tool for the recent version of Windows 10. Unfortunately, it has been released only for 64-bit Windows 10 version.To get Aero Glass in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you need to follow the instructions below.
- Visit the official web site of Aero Glass.
- From the download page, grab the file 'Installer (64-bit Windows)' under the label ' Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.5.7 - change log '.
- Run the installer and you are done!
You should get something like this.
The application runs in the background and has a number of options you can configure in the Registry. To save your time, you might want to use a special GUI tool, which covers most parameters of the AeroGlass service. You can download the app from here:
Download AeroGlassGUI
At the moment of this writing, the official change log isn't available for the recent version of the app. But it is a major milestone for the app, because this version is the first stable version which supports Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
Note: The application is donationware. You need donate to the author to get rid of the desktop watermark as well as generate a license for yourself after donating from this web page. The machine code is unique to every PC.
RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance
Enable Windows Aero Windows 10
'Aero Glass 10' Multicolor themes for Windows 10.
'Aero Glass 10' & 'Aero Glass 10 Alt.' Multicolor themes for Windows 10 RTM Build 10240, Build 10586 & Windows 10 Anniversary Update Build 14393 (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit Systems.
Try It Now......
P.S. You have to use 'Old New Explorer' & 'Aero Glass' to look a like your Windows 10 like in the preview.
also, you must use this Multicolor Previewpane too :--> [Link]
Visual Style Name: 'Aero Glass 10'
Author: sagorpirbd
Release Date: 1 January 2016
Final Release Date: 22 October 2016
Website: [Link]
Including This Pack :
Visual Style & Theme.
Start ORB Image.
OldNewExplorer32.dll for Multicolor shell (32 bit).
OldNewExplorer64.dll for Multicolor shell (64 bit).
StartIsBack Styles.
Read Me.
How to use the Style
First you need a theme patch to apply third party Theme Styles.
Download and Install 'uxstyle Theme Patcher' :--> [Link]
Now Unzip & Copy 'Aero Glass 10' folder to : C:l Windows:l Resources:l Themes folder.
Now Go to Desktop Personalize & apply 'Aero Glass 10' or 'Aero Glass 10 Alt.' theme.
Windows 10 (X86) 32 bit & Windows 10 (X64) 64 bit .
Aero Compatible PC.
Good Luck.
Themes for 'Windows 10' (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit :
'Live 10' colorful themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Royex' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'FLASH' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Blaze' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Sierra' Mac OS X themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Dark Leopard' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Snow Leopard' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Soft Glass 10' Themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Windows 8 Release Preview' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Aero 7' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Longhorn Revealed 10' Multicolor themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Multicolor Previewpane' for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Windows 8' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Vista Aero' & 'Vista Basic' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Windows XP' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Different Touch 10' themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
'Different Touch' for Rocket Dock :-->> [Link]
For Windows 8/8.1 (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit :
'Aero Glass 8' Multicolor Themes for Windows 8/8.1 : -->> [Link]
'Multicolor Previewpane' for Windows 8/8.1 :-->> [Link]
More Windows 8/8.1 Themes found here :-->> [Link]
For Windows 7 (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit :
'Aero Glass 7' Multicolor Themes for Windows 7 :-->> [Link]
More Windows 7 Themes found here :-->> [Link]
Comments are Most Welcome!
If You Really Like It , please Give it a it Sure Means a Lot..............
Please, Post your bugs, suggestions and opinions here or Send Me Note.
Don't Release/Distribute Modified Versions of This Theme or Any Resources Without My Written Permission.
© Copyright: sagorpirbd 2016-2017.
Visit My Gallery Here. | Watch Me.
Like my Arts ? Please donate some points : [Link]
Aero Glass Windows 10 Download For Pc
I really love this theme and I dont really want to live without it
And can you help me out with my problem?
I cant install aero glass, it always says its incompatible with my version of windows.
But I checked a lot of times if I really downloaded the windows 10 file and I did.
Maybe you experienced something simular?
By the way, which Aero Glass theme is better? (7, 8/8.1, or 10)…
Still one of the best styles I've seen, cheers!
Aero Glass Windows 10 1709 Download

then try this --->> Multicolor Previewpane for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]
P.S. How to use this : read Artist description carefully.
I can not do that, when I try to make a visual style.
also, you have to install 'OldNewExplorer' too : [Link]

But is there a solution for these ugly corners on the curves?
Aero Glass Windows 10 Download Free
What I'm waiting for is the 'Longhorn Revealed' Skin for the Anniversary Update 14393!
'Longhorn Revealed' for Windows 10 already done and currently testing. so, Anniversary Update 14393 version coming soon.